Week 2

Season #2 of Prayer and Fasting
Week 2

He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love mercy (kindness),
and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (ESV)

For this season of prayer and fasting, we will spend the next 3 weeks focusing on different aspects of Micah 6:8. While you are free to abstain from food and anything else the Lord may put on your heart, we are specifically inviting you to fast from specific behaviors and attitudes, replacing them with practices and prayers that honor God and love your neighbor.

Week 2- Loving Mercy: Hesed “lovingkindness”

Fast (Abstain, give up):
Those things which provoke you to judgment, bitterness, and criticism. It could be the news or social media or something else. As you ask God, you are encouraged to use Psalm 1:1 as your guide.
In what ways do you
1.Walk in the counsel of the wicked?
2.Stand in the way of sinners?
3.Sit at the seat of scoffers?

1. Extending Forgiveness / Seeking Forgiveness
a, Who are you holding a grudge against that you need to forgive from the heart? People will offend you this week. Practice pausing and intentionally extending forgiveness rather they seek it from you or not.
b. Who are you avoiding because you have wronged them? You are invited to seek those people out and make things right. Apologize, seek forgiveness, make restitution where necessary. If this is a hard move, invite another brother or sister into the situation to pray for you and hold you accountable.

2. Blessing others
When you are offended by someone. pause and pray a blessing over them. You may want to go the extra mile and write them a letter offering encouragement and identifying those things you appreciate about them. We are called to love, not just tolerate others.

Prayer: You are invited to pray this prayer every day. Pay attention to how your thinking changes, as well as opportunities that arise for you to practice what you pray.

Prayer (Based on Luke 18:13)
“God have mercy on me, a sinner. Help me to extend Your mercy to others.”